Liebster Award?? Apa tu? hahaha.. maklumlah MK ni tak up to date.. haha.. busy.. yang MK tau kena jawab soalan dari blogger lain yang tag kita then cipta 11 soalan dan tag kepada blogger lain... ehem! thanks to adik Yus & Eikin .. acctually Yus dah lama tag.. tapi disebabkan malas dan lemah dalam English.. kubiarkan.. hehehe.. i'm sorry T.T.. ok, now let me answer the question *buka google translate

Question from Yus :
1. Describe briefly about yourself. Like yourself. Like your personality, the things that you like.
Seorang yang berfikir panjang dalam melakukan sesuatu, kadang-kadang jadi blur --', Seorang yang suka gilaaa dengan doodle, suka explore perkara2 yang menarik perhatian eg : cara membuat doodle, kraftangan dll..
2. List down your all-time favourite TV shows and songs.
Tv Shows
~Maharaja Lawak Mega
~ errr apa ek? berita tv3.. wakakaka
~ Diantara Bintang (Hello)
~ Andai hatiku bersuara (comel)
~ semua lagu Apit!
3. What is the craziest thing you've ever done?
Nak cakap pun malu.. hehe..
~Terrkorek hidung dalam kelas (form 5)
~ Lawan kentut dengan sara (form 5 dalam kelas semasa cikgu xda)
~ Ponteng kelas (form 5) sebab teacher ckp "sesiapa yang x nak belajar, jangan masuk kelas saya" hehe
4. Who are your biases? You can list any celebrities that you like.

5. Do you have any weird habits? If yes, tell us about it.
Yes! haha.. apa ek? suka makan megi & laksa dengan letak bawang mentah banyak-banyak.. pelik kan? haha
6. What are the things that you really want to do the most?
Nak menghasilkan doodle yang comel gilaaaaaa. hehe.
7. Do you like reading, travelling, and photographing?
Ya! MK suka sangat-sangat...
8. Would you dare to sleep in hounted house overnight? Why?
Tak mau! tengok movie "highland tower" pun dah mengeletar lutut-lutut, ni kan pulak nak overnight kat rumah berhantu... err --'
9. If you're a billionaire, what would you do?
Nak hantar mak, abah & sedara mara ke tanah suci ^^
10. How do you want your dream house to look like?

macam gambar diatas.. fuh fuh! heaven gila kalau dapat betul2.. hehe
"Jika aurat wanita diperbuat daripada emas, pasti wanita tidak berani mendedahkannya kerana tidak mahu auratnya dilihat, disentuh & dicuri" #deep :')

Question from : Eikin
1. How long you have been blogging?
Start masa form 4.. jap nak kira.. 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 (4 tahun setengah)
2. In your purse rw, how much money that you got?
err.. kureng paham sikit.. dlm purse ni ada RM1 , RM2, RM3 ok semua ada RM 320.. tehee^^ gaji bulan lepas punya!
3. Your crush name started with what alphabet?
Capital Q *dah jadi boiprenn dah.. haha
4. List 2 songs that you doesn't know what the song means by.
~ lagu "tiga kata" (KRU)
~ 150 juta (ainan tasneem)
5. Doraemon or Shin Chan?
8. Name of your favourite singer / band?
Tasha Manshahar, Shila Amzah, Stacy, Yuna, Shae, kaka, Bunkface, Fynn Jamal.. tu je kot..
9. What is your talent but it's weird in people eyes?
talented in photography but did not designate the talent
10. How was your feeling when you have to answer all of these questions?
ok, rasa mencabar akal fikiran.. macam exam stpm pulak.. hahaha..
Fuhh.. habes dah.. now, it's my turn to ask you all a question..
Berikut merupakan mangsa-mangsa seterusnya :
2. In your purse rw, how much money that you got?
err.. kureng paham sikit.. dlm purse ni ada RM1 , RM2, RM3 ok semua ada RM 320.. tehee^^ gaji bulan lepas punya!
3. Your crush name started with what alphabet?
Capital Q *dah jadi boiprenn dah.. haha
4. List 2 songs that you doesn't know what the song means by.
~ lagu "tiga kata" (KRU)
~ 150 juta (ainan tasneem)
5. Doraemon or Shin Chan?

Shin Chan laa..
6. Your dream house?

Ala-ala rumah barbie.. perghhh!!!!!!!!
7. Being a teacher or a police officer
Being a teacher laa.. because thats my ambition.. fuhhh :D
Being a teacher laa.. because thats my ambition.. fuhhh :D
8. Name of your favourite singer / band?
Tasha Manshahar, Shila Amzah, Stacy, Yuna, Shae, kaka, Bunkface, Fynn Jamal.. tu je kot..
9. What is your talent but it's weird in people eyes?
talented in photography but did not designate the talent
10. How was your feeling when you have to answer all of these questions?
ok, rasa mencabar akal fikiran.. macam exam stpm pulak.. hahaha..
Fuhh.. habes dah.. now, it's my turn to ask you all a question..
Berikut merupakan mangsa-mangsa seterusnya :
- Anis
- Kak Zizie
- Adik Nina
- Alyani
- Adik Kyra
- Sueha
- Sis Tasha
- Bro Zack Hoya
- Mizanis
Sis Amelia- Adik Adda
My Question is :
- When was the last time you kiss your mother?
- What is the most special gift you have give to your parents?
- What memories that you can not be forgotten?
- Where did you learn about blogging?
- Find a picture that you think is the most hilarious and give a reason why?
- If given a choice to go on a trip, where would you want to go? why?
- At what age you will get married?
- If given the choice to marry a celebrity, who do you prefer?
- Hadiah paling istimewa yang pernah anda dapat dan nyatakan hadiah tersebut or gambar
- Pada pandangan anda, kenapa motosikal kawasaki popular di kalangan lelaki?
- Kalau anda adalah orang terkaya dalam dunia ni, apa yang akan anda lakukan?
P/S : kalau tak faham, sila google translate.. hahaha MUET band 2 saja --'
Jawab jangan tak jawab.. hehe.. tu je.. sekian...
actually tasha xpham.. ni contest apa ye?hihi
ReplyDeletedia macam award antara blogger la.. tah la, wawa pun x paham sangat.. tapi liebster award ni dah mcm penyakit merebak.. hehe
Deletedah jawab! ^^, thanks.
cepatnye.. hehe.. thanks
Deletekena tag lagi..hihi.. nanti anis jawab k.. kena pikir jawapan dulu..hihi..
ReplyDeleteok anis^^
Deletehihihi.. ada orang tag kita.. kena jawab ke wawa?????
ReplyDeleteikut akak lerr.. wawa x kisah.. haha
Deletemy pleasure dikk^^ hihi..ntah bila tahun agaknya akak boleh dapat rumah mcm tu.. mimpi boleh lah.. hahaha.. bawah nichkhun tu erin malek laa.. hihihi.. kan?
ReplyDeletedone! :D
hyeee wawa..anis dah jawab taw.. :)